Kid's Excavator: playing together is more fun!

Very often the games in a playground are designed in such a way that only childrem of a specific age can use them.
We try to imagine what it would happen if we designed a toy which would be funnier to use when two kids of different ages interact with it!

In many situations we must confront with several constraints while designing a playground.
Using as an example a school palyground Two typical requests are the possibility for children of different ages to use it and have fun and the safety of the place.
We have designed a toy which is capable to target different age ranges and boost the development of a safer environment by making use of a core concept in biomimicry: intrinsic diversity.

The assumption we make is rather simple: if I design a toy in which there are different possible interactive parts, I will have more fun if I can activate them all together.
The next step is to design the interactive parts in a way they have different dimensions and can be used only by people of a certain size.
We can for example put two different seats in a cabin, a small one and a bigger one.
This is the driving idea for the excavator design.

We will have a small seat in which a child between 4 and 6 can fit and will activate the rotation of the bulldozer, while one bigger seat will be used by a kid between 7 and 9 for activating the mechanic arm and dig the soil.
Maybe we could foresee the possibility of switching roles by reconfiguring the connections seat-function; this would give a sort of adapting behaviour to our toy.

The same designing technique can be implement in an endless variety of situations.

Alessio Contini , Vic Van Peborgh , Areti Bandi