Sustainable leadership: an idea buzzing in my head

The role of art, especially music nowadays, could be crucial to convey a positive message and boost the emergence of a new trend in social behaviour.
Together with technical knowledge we could build nuclei of people with leadership to positively influence society.

No one can deny the power that artists as John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Leonardo, Picasso had to influence the way of thinking not just in their period, but also in following generations. We still are positively affected by their artifacts and use them as models of excellence.
In the last decades we have seen how the energy of art has moved a huge number of people towards a deeper understanding of the problems we are facing and on those that we will have to face.

Events like the "Live Earth", "USA for Africa", "Africa Unite" have casted light on those dark sides of our society and, more in general, our planet.
The most amazing thing in my opinion has been the capability of such moments to unify human beings under a common shelter of feelings and values.
One question arises: how come that after few months all the intense emotions and good proposals start inevitably to fade away, like a small candle with no more wax to embrace the dying flame?

Among the other aswers more related to a mass media suppression of the information flow, I claim that a basic explanation could be the uncorrelation between people willing to help and adopted mechanisms of contribuition.
Donate money.

Donating money it's simple, quick, highly impersonal and, more and more highly untrusted.
How can I really trust a mechanism that takes money from me and, after a while, does not give me a precise explanation on how those money have been used?
Several times we hear of missing humanitarian aids, disappeared misteriously in God knows which black hole.

We know charismatic artists gather people and can dramatically influence them (both positively and negatively).
How could we develope a new model that would really make the difference for implementing the change we eagerly desire for our future?

I think one good way would be to couple each charismatic artist with a team of skilled technicians (but also philosophers and sociologists), to form a strong group which merges both influence on people and trust in the technical domain by means of immediately using the collected money in concrete projects.

The are some key requirements for hoping that this idea will work:
- The artist's leadership should be manifested not just for collecting money, but also in the moements of going to the places in which the technical staff is realizing the concrete project. This would create a stronger link between the artist and the goal of the campaign, showing the people a real concern and activation to solve problems.
- The information flow should be kept alive by mass media and through the social network. This is now easier than in the past thanks to realities as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. Orchestrating all these influent channels could really strenghten the sensation for people to have contribuited to something real, in continuous evolution.
- The work of both the artist and the technical team should be monitorized by an external organism, possibly composed by common people. In this way we could actually make people actors in the projects, or at least critical observers. Again the role of social network could be foundamental.

In a future scenario I even see the possibility of training artist and technicians in leadership and social and environmental awareness in order to give them the best tools to act effectively in their domain.

This is what I call "Sustainable Leadership".

Alessio Contini