There are two important problem: Current ways of producing and consuming and growing populaion.

In the first lecture by Jaco, (this lecture was in Stayokay) we learned about Biomimicry. It is a new way of viewing for looking for better technology. But we must take nature as a model, measure and mentor.
The most important problem of technology is the energy that we need in short distances. On the other hand, the most important problem in nature is the information in huge distances.

Scientists with their knowledge and their work should fill in the gaps caused by humans.
They must take into account that mass and energy does not disappear, are preserved.
We must know that although the land be huge resources are limited. Therefore we must be careful how we use.

The next item on the day was a visit to a carpet factory. In this factory, we heard other lecture about biomimicry in the company. We must look for a equilibrium, knowing that the seeds of biomimicry are ethos, (re)connect and emulate (innovation in industry).
Nature learns to survive and we must also do so by looking at it. We see how it adapts to change and we take it as model.

The principal's life is:
- Evolve to survive: Recplicate strategies that works, Reshuffle information, Integrate the unexpected.
- Be resource Efficient: Recicle all materials, Fit form to function, Use multi-funcional design, Use low-energy processes.
- Adapt to changing Conditions: Embody resilience through variation redundancy and decentralisation, Incorporate diversity, Use feedback loops, Maintain integrity through self renewal.
- Integrate Development with Growth: combine modular and nested components, Build from yhe bottom up, Self organize.
- Be Locally Attuned and Responsive: Use readily avaliable energy and resource, Cultivate cooperative relaships, leverge cyclic processes.
- Use Life-friendly Chemistry:Do chemistry in water, Build selectively with a small subset of elements, Breakdown products into begin constituents.

In summary, we must build adapted to the nature, because this is a recurring cycle of life.

Ana Fernandez