The biomimicry

waste does not exist, waste is food


At 9 in the morning we had the lecture of biomimicry at Stayokay Hotel.
The main points:

Waste does not exist, waste is food.
The sun is energy.

The biomimicry is a new philosophy. Is not for extracting things of the nature, but for learning about it. Nature must be our model, measure and mentor.

We have a big planet, but the resources are limited, so we need to learn from nature.
Nature spends less energy than human in solving problems, that’s what we have to learn.
It has effective but, at the same time, simply ways to resolve problems.

Its 10 o’clock and we have to take a bus. Destination: INTERFACE FLOR

In this factory, natural-based design carpets are made.
There we had a lecture about the base of the production in there. There was ideas like, the Earth is a water planet, and all the organism that live in it (the only things can be adapted) are made of water.

The human kind needs to go side by side, with nature, eg. we have to build, fitting the buildings to nature.

Nature is based on cyclic loops.
Most of them are feedback loops, eg. The sloth live in the top of a tree, and he only goes down to dig near the tree his natural needs, to feed it.
This is a cyclic loop and a cooperative relationship.

Another example, is the peafowl. His leathers, are all brown, but by changing the structures of the leathers, seems to be a lot of colors.
This can be used to make carpets, so its no needed to use dye.

But nature has had billion of years of adaptation, so we need more time to know how nature works.

Jorge Sanchez