Quality of an object

What is the quality of an object? Let us be more specific: how do we define the quality of an information object on this specific site (or in Anymeta language: a 'thing').

In the context of this site, I define an object as piece of information with title, descriptive text and tags, and relations (ownership, related objects, etc.). An object can be an aggregation of separate objects (set), or just an aggregation of words, which in the right order, have a meaning and could bring about a message.

So, what then is the quality of the object? If we think of an object as being purposeful, then its ability to achieve its intended purpose relates to its quality. However, purpose can not always be defined in advance, the purpose is only defined through the use of the object. So purposing and repurposing are topics we should take into account when we want to talk about quality.

In this first draft, I would like to conclude to define the quality of an object as:
- The ability of the object to achieve (or go beyond) its original purpose (i.e. informing the reader about a specific topic)
- Its ability to be purposed and repurposed

If we have these basic concepts, we can also think about ways to further define them and even make them explicit and measurable.

Thieme Hennis