Shared Design Space: Sketching ideas using digital pens and a large augmented tabletop setup

Collaborative Augmented Reality (AR) setups are becoming increasingly
popular. We have developed a collaborative tabletop environment that is
designed for brainstorming and discussion meetings. Using a digital pen, participants
can annotate not only virtual paper, but also real printouts. By integrating
both forms of physical and digital paper, we combine virtual and real 2d drawings,
and digital data which are overlaid into a single information space. In this
paper, we describe why we have integrated these devices together in a unique way
and how they can be used efficiently during a design process

Michael Haller, Peter Brandl, Daniel Leithinger, Jakob Leitner, Thomas Seifried,
and Mark Billinghurst

Digital Media, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria

HITLabNZ, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Leif Handberg