Program Final Conference (Delft 22 November 2012)

After the lecture on the Mediating Presecne research program 2012, participants will join in 4 parallel workshops in which interdiscilinary teams will collaborate and accelerate in future applications of mediating presence.

12.00 hrs: Opening of Exposition Mediating Presence/Witnessing You & Book Preview Witnessing You

Introductions by:

Paul Rullman, Board of TU Delft
Theo Toonen, dean of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Lynda Hardman, Action Line Leader, EIT ICT Labs, ICT-Mediated Human Activity

Plenary 14.00 – 14.30 hrs, Room: (I lecture hall)

Presentation of the research program Mediating Presence, EIT ICT Labs and the artistic research Witnessing You,
by Charlie Gullstrom & Caroline Nevejan

14.30 hrs – 16.00 hrs: Parallel Workshops on Witnessing You and Mediating Presence. Think together, Sketch concept, Identify issues to be solved at the intersection of science, art and the commercial realm:
Mediated Negotiation Space, Room: H (lecture hall)
Mediated Courtroom, Room: B3.470 (small meeting room)
Mediated Hospital, Room: A1.370 (Boardroom)
Meta-Design for Reflection in Participatory Systems, Room: B1.300 (glass space)

Participants in the EIT ICT Labs research program, the special journal issue Witnessing Presence, and the artistic research Witnessing You give 5 minute presentations to inspire conversatoin and design.


How do we negotiate in mediated space, where tacit and tactile knowledge is hard to communicate? And how does the medium itself influence what can be communicated and not? Can media be used in different ways to convey truth and trust? How can we design listening in such a way that we arrive at a state if shared listening? What is the role of self-witnessing for being able to engage?

Chair: Professor Catholijn Jonker, Interactive Intelligence Group Department of Intelligent Systems TU Delft/ EIT ICT Labs

On integrating rhythm and entrainment
by Dr. Satinder Gill, fellow with the Center for Music and Science, Cambridge University

On the media-auric effect
by Dr. Sjouke ver der Meulen, independent scholar, media theory

Making shared distributed spaces
by Leif Handberg, Media Technology and Graphic Arts, School of Computer Science, KTH/ EIT ICT Labs

Shared Listening
by Merlijn Twaalfhoven, composer

Witnessing Design
by Chin-Lien Chen & Chris Vermaas, designers

MEDIATED COURTROOM, Room: B3.470 (small meeting room)

How can we imagine systems of justice in the network society? Can the court just be filmed and broadcasted? When the presence of the judge is mediated, what happens to truth finding and to the authority of its outcome? Can witnesses be remotely present? And if social networks become part of truth finding, how do new standards for good behavior and justice emerge? How are we witness to each other? How do new public-private spaces influence how we trust?

Chair: Dr. Charlie Gullstrom, Presence Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Dept Architecture / EIT ICT Labs


The construction and representation of legal spaces in law
by Dr. Leif Dahlberg (via skype), Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, KTH Stockholm

Complex systems and standardisation
by Dr. Jos Vrancken, Systems Engineering, TU Delft

Painting Trauma, by Ronald Ophuis, visual artist

Tele_Trust, by Hermen Maat, social technology artist

MEDIATED HOSPITAL, Room: A1.370 (Boardroom)

How can we connect with people who are in the hospital? How can children be comforted by their families at home while staying they stay in a hospital bed? Can virtual friends and virtual envroments help out? How can we enjoy and overcome different glass interfaces? How can we coordinate, interact, and play to support each other to be well?

Chair: Dr. Tjerk de Greef, Interactive Intelligence Group Department of Intelligent Systems TU Delft/ EIT ICT Labs


Creating social connectedness and interaction rituals
by Joke Kort, TNO Innovation Management - Business Innovation and Customer Behaviour

Perception in virtual environments
by Dr. Harold Nefs, Perceptual Intelligence Lab, TU Delft

Tele_Trust, by Karen Lancel, social technology artist

Looking Glass, by Anna Carlgren, glass artist


Social networks and other networks build upon participation of their users. Mediting presence not only needs to facilitate to connect to each other, but also needs to incorporate the possibility to reflect and share reflections to influence next behaviour and next generations of these systems as well. How can we identify and shape meta-design for participation that allows for reflection? How can we design participatory systems in such a way that people can accept responsibility and have the possibility to act and share reflections about how to act?

Chair: Professor Peter Parnes, Distributed Computer Systems, Luleå University / EIT ICT Labs


Participatory Systems, by Alireza Seyed Rezae, PhD student Systems Engineering, TU Delft

Rules in serious games, by Dr. Rens Kortman, Gaming and Simulation group, TU Delft

Biomodd, by Angelo Vermeulen, Space Ecologies Art and Design

Editorial Participatory Systems, by Ino Paap, Mediamatic

Plenary 16.00 – 17.00 hrs, Room: I (collegezaal)

Sketches of workshop outcomes and discussion

Closing remarks by Patrick Strating, Director of EIT ICT Labs Eindhoven

17:00 – 18:00 hrs: Drinks