Day 2

Bees organization and animal communication.

What more biomimicry than this?

Thermal stability of one building is fundamental for creating an optimal environment for the people working in it.
Since heating and cooling procedures imply high levels of energy consumed, and given that it’s not advisable to vary the temperature ranges inside the building, solutions for smart isolation and ventilation need to be implemented.

A basic principle would be that of using insulating material that prevent heat dispersion.

Panels to control optimal ventilation of the building could be implemented: during summer they should be able to deliver air streams through and around the building in order to cool it, while during winter cold air fluxes should be blocked.

If the building is compact, heat retention will be successful, but light will have a hard time in reaching all the corners and rooms. Therefore, a more scattered structure could be a good compromise: since the building was also meant to be linked to nature, plants outside windows and on terraces would also be natural barriers/isolators.
