Energy Project : Connection to Life's Principles

In this article, we expose the connections between our choices for the energy and the basics principles of life

While we were working on our project, we tried to respect as much as possible the life's principles.

The main benefit of our project is that it is completely resource efficient, since it is almost energetically independent. We designed a solution which is multi-functional in order to adapte to climate changes, and we thought about backup plan, to prepare to really bad weather conditions. The fact that we have a real diversity in the sources of energy used, like life would do, gives our system a resilience a building with one only energy source wouldn't have.
The processes we use are environmental-friendly since wind-turbines and geothermal heat production are CO2 free.
The solution we propose is locally attuned, since we use energy sources which are and will always be available in a sufficient quantity. Furthermore our solution is a mix of different energy sources, which implies that different persons with different backgrounds cooperate in order to provide the correct amount of energy at any time. This implies too that our system is well-regulated and rapidly adaptable to switch from a source of energy to another when the climate imposes it.
