References Time `Design for Building Trust

1. Brazier, F. M. T. and van der Veer, Gerrit. (2009). Interactive distributed and networked autonomous systems: delegation or participation, in: Proceedings of the Human Interaction with Intelligent & Networked Systems Workshop (HINNS 2009).
2. Kuhn, Thomas S. 2000. The road since structure, philosophical essays, 1970–1993, with an autobiographical interview. Editors.James Conant and John Haugeland. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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4. Nevejan Caroline. 2009. Witnessed presence and the YUTPA framework. In PsychNology Journal 'Ethics in Presence and Social Presence Technology', volume 7 (1).
5. Butler, Judith. 1993. Bodies that Matter, on discursive limits of “sex. New York: Routledge.
6. Nevejan C. 2007. Presence and the Design of Trust. PhD diss. University of Amsterdam
7. Oliver, Kelly. 2001. Witnessing, beyond recognition. University of Minnesota Press, Mineapolis/London
8. Hazra, Abhishek. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
9. Abraham, Sunil. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
10. Kaul, Priya. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
11. Sood, Aditya Dev. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan. .
12. Upadhya, Carol. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
13. Solomon, Debra. 2009. Contribution Witnessed Presence and Systems Engineering. To be published at
14. Vlies, Inge, van der. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
15. Gill, Satinder. 2010. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
16. Giddens, Anthony. 1984. The constitution of Society, Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge: Polity Press.
17. Abraham, Sunil. 2008. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
18. Damasio, Antonio. 2004. Looking for Spinoza, Joy, Sorrow and the Feeling Brain. London: Vintage, Random House.
19. Splunter, Sander van. 2009. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
20. Lefebvre, Henri, Elden, S., Moore, G. 2004. Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life. Conitnuum, New York. Orginally published as Elements de rythmanalyse, Editions Syllepse, Paris 1992.
21. Jansma, Rein. 2009. Witnessed presence and Systems Engineering, interviews by Caroline Nevejan.
22. Feigl, Zoro. 2009. Contribution Witnessed Presence and Systems Engineering. To be published at