Can they go together “Presence Design and Biomimicry”

Biomimicry – innovation inspired by nature

>>How do we love all children of all species for all time? <<
- Waste doesn’t exist – waste is food
- Nature doesn´t waste
- Cherish / stimulate diversity
- GOAL: a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy and just world economically and equitably!
Observe: Energy – supply → growing population is no problem!

>>The natural step: what can we do?<<
Nothing disappears: All mass and energy in the universe is conserved. There is Value in Structure: food and petrol are valuable.

>>Ecological Footprint: How do we know?<<
- 2 problems: current ways of producing and consuming and growing population
- similar to funnel TNS
- in a green world accounting will flourish!!!!

Roland Grillneder