
Mother Nature is the ultimate recycler: She returns living organisms back to the earth after they die. As the organisms decompose, the nutrients they contain are broken down and returned to the soil, where they are available to be used by future plants and animals.

Nature recycles every day. There are many examples, as leaves that fall to the ground, decompose and turn into compost, a nutrient-rich soil which plants to grow.
We can use the bio mimicry with the organic material, which serves as food for bacteria and fungi which serves as food for earthworms which serves as food for beetles and so on. Following the nature example, the environmentally-friendly thing to do is to make a compost pile using organic material.

It’s easy to maintain a compost pile in your backyard. Start with soil and then add equal amounts of “Greens”, sources of protein which attract organisms to the pile to breakdown the material, and “Browns”, carbohydrates which provide carbon to the compost pile.
Once you have established an initial layer of material, place a layer of “greens”, then a layer of “browns”, and continue to alternate the layers on a regular basis. It’s important to regularly mix the material in the pile to make quicker process. After approximately six months the material will breakdown into compost and will be ready to be used as a natural fertilizer for plants and trees.

Darío Álvarez