Excursion to interface

On Wednesday we went to interfaceflor, a company, which is producing carpits. After a short Introduction of Janine Benyus about the company we went through the factory to see how they produce this carpits step by step. We saw how the machines were producing this carpit. The most interesting of this production is, that the carpits are 100% recycable.
After that we got a very interesting overview of biomimicry, how to produce technical things with inspiration from nature.
Then we did a workshop, where we use our sense: smell, feel, taste, hearing and seeing. And we got to know the difference between seeing and feeling, which could be very different.
In this workshop we worked out a name for our group: plaYce
and did a presentation, where we identified and interpreted our topic (Play) and the challenge we are confronted with.
After three days now, we got to know two strategies:
One was "Presence Design" the ohter one was "Biomimicry":
In Presence Design you have to consider the keywords as You, Now, Here, Action.
In biomimicry you have to try to connect follow keywords: Evolve to Survive, Be Ressource Efficient, Adapt to Changing Conditions, Integrate Development with Growth, Be Locally Attuned and Responsive, Use Kife-friendly Chemistry.
From my side I got my inspiration from different animals and the fact that nature doesn't throw things away and that everything should be in balance. So from that I thougt to produce things 100% recycable like toys from wood. The idea was to desing a tool, which makes fun, produces energy and is attractive. The main idea was "to close the cycle" , everything comes to nature and goes to nature.

Woidy Hammami