Day 2 - Bio-Mimicry

Introduction Bio-Mimicry – How does Nature solve Problems?

Bio-Mimicry is basically all we can learn from nature! Its about taking inspiration from nature and the question: How solves nature this problem?

The Problem is that since 1987 we take out a bit more from nature, than we give back. This is because we didn’t yet internalize some important basic principles of nature like:
- Nature does not waste
- Sun is a limitless source of energy
- Stimulate diversity
- Support health
The goal should be a SAFE, HEALTHY world with clean AIR, WATER, SOIL and POWER

… and how can we achieve this?
lets give an easy example: The mass of all ants living on our planet, it is much higher than the mass of all people living on our planet! But we are not afraid of Ants destroying our planet, so for maintenance of organism the energy supply and the growing population should not be a problem!

Bio-Mimicry also implements to see the difference between how nature in comparision to humans technology solves problems. Here we already learned something from nature:
- heliotrope Sun-tracking systems
- CO2 as feedstock
- East Gate Building
- Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis

Mark-Michael Weltzl