Flow, to be able to move with others, is a survival skill.

Skills for being in flow, irrespective of cultures, are learned from the moment you’re born through mother-baby coordination. The voice and the body of caretaker and child move together.

So the child begins to learn to coordinate sound and when their eyes become clearer after a few weeks, they will also be able to coordinate gesture and then coordinate gesture and sound. Human beings learn these skills through moving with others. Flow evolves from this capacity that we have as human beings, which we learn from the moment we’re born. They are survival skills, to be able to move with others. If we don’t have those survival skills, we become isolated. For example people who are autistic do not have this flow and they suffer. They have difficulties communicating and others don’t understand them. Parents are not conscious of flow. They just move with their child, as their parents did with them when they were born. And so it continues and it evolves and it changes, because culture changes and evolves, so the flow changes and evolves. Flow is perceived though nuances of vocal sound and gestural coordination. Flow is the pulsation of movement, voices and bodies. The fluidity of the possibility to understand with body and sound systems moves across boundaries and borders much more easily than the content of a speech utterance.