Witnessing in online contexts is reduced to a series of transactions, where in natural presence, a careful tuning of bodies in rhythm and synchronization grants a sense of flow that is benefi- cial to communication. Both in offline and online environments, synchronization of rhythm is essential and a requirement for witnessing to take place. However, the reciprocity of Witnessed Presence in a face-to-face context is from a totally different quality than the reciprocity in online contexts. Granularity of reciprocity affects com- munication and knowledge construction deeply.
Synchronization of rhythms is essential for witnessing to take place
In the experience of people, different realities merge biological, social and technological. The notion of authenticity is acquiring new meaning referring to engagement in the first place. In the new configurations of reality, existing systems of knowledge, including the tacit, are challenged. Diversity of cultural phenomena and diversity of identity are confined by lower bandwidth in the ever-spreading networks and so it seems.