If you allow openness, constant experimentation, flux, people coming and going, there is a lot of feeling unsettledness. To be able to get up the next day after something has gone wrong and bringing your team back together is the greatest challenge Narayanan faces as director of Srishti. As a result people at Srishti are now less afraid to fail. Failing is crucial for learning, even when the world outside is not very kind to people when you fail. It makes them stronger. Human beings deal with failure with their hearts and their minds both. Failure of technology is different all together. Technology can provide data as input for decisions, but the meaning of data is contextual and technology cannot know. Even intelligent technology can never be part of failing as part of a learning process as such. Technology deals with failure as a statistic.
Failing is crucial
The learning environment of Srishti is an open environment; always in a state of flux, there is a survival of the fittest, and there are new ideas, which are constantly allowed to be seeded. And there are silo’s, containers of solid knowledge. No institution can be without silos, one needs them to have legacy. The leadership of Srishti is not about leading to success.