1: any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning 2: a remarkable development (source: Princeton University)
entry: phenomenon
part of speech: noun
definition: wonder
synonyms: abnormality, actuality, anomaly, appearance, aspect, circumstance, curiosity, episode, event, exception, experience, fact, happening, incident, marvel, miracle, nonpareil, paradox, peculiarity, portent, prodigy, rara avis, rarity, reality, sensation, sight, something else, spectacle, stunner, uniqueness
Trompe l'oeil, deceiving the eye

When exploring optical phenomena many test pieces need to be fabricated. Some can elevate the eye like a periscope, another lets you see around the corner or both, and a different combination might allow you see through walls. Finding tools that can deceive the human senses and allow for translation to a larger scale is the intent.